🎨 Cours de Dessin

Many artists have copied Charles Bargue's plates as part of their studies. I've been working my way through the collection in my sketchbook.

🔗 I bought this book of the course to work from

Plate 1.1

Plate 1.2 (sample)

Plate 1.3 (sample)

Plate 1.4 (sample)

Plate 1.4 (sample)

Plate 1.5 (sketch)

Plate 1.5

Plate 1.6 (sketch)

Plate 1.7 (new)

Plate 1.8 (sketch)

Plate 1.8

Plate 1.8 (sharpie)

I've also made timelapse films of some pieces.

🎥 Plate 1.3: First tiny drawing film

🎥 Plate 1.5: Foot in profile

🎥 Plate 1.7: Foot of the Borghese Warrior (new)

🎥 Plate 1.8: Foot of the Venus de' Medici

If you'd like a print or a postcard of any of these then please get in touch and I'll figure something out. I'd love to send you something!
