📽 Old film-making experiments

I made some films over 10 years ago. I'm sure this happens to every film-maker but I now feel some embarrassment (and some pride) about those early films. As a result I made them private on YouTube. I'm sharing them here because I can add some extra context and it feels like a safe space.

I uploaded my first film to YouTube in December 2009. It was a video letter to my then girlfriend showing her some mini pigs that I was looking after. It was two minutes long, single shot, single take, spontaneous and unscripted.

📽 Kune-kune piglets

My second film documented a local effort to build a makeshift bridge. The council took a few weeks to replace a bridge over a river so we hauled a fallen tree into place as a temporary solution. First editing, first b-roll. This racked up more than 5,000 views on YouTube before I made it private.

📽 Bridge Over The Devil's Water

Third was a tobogganing montage set to music made by my brother. Includes a scene-setting pan at the start, some slo-mo and some reverse shots.

📽 Sledging in Hexhamshire November 2010

In 2011, I made three product review films. Two screencasts of online software products and one unboxing of a friend's cosmetics product.
